Saturday, January 21, 2017

Definition Of American Football

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American Football

American football is a team sport between two teams of players that alternate between defense and attack. The goal is to achieve the points by performing the realization or shoot the pelota at the competing zone of the brand area. To retain the pose, the team attacked less than 10 yards in 4 intentos "llamados "abajo". Mentras tanto, the defending team must prevent the attack to achieve this goal with the end to recover the laying of the ball. If the team has attacked the suitcase 10 yardas o más in su poder, it has otros cuatro intentos de continuar a ganar terreno. On the contrary, the laying of the cambodia ball from the side, and the papers "defensa / attack" invierten.

The points can be stalled in several ways: by making the golf line cross with the ball, throwing the ball at another player in the opposite side of the goal line, fixing it the support of the ball of an opponent in his Clean The golf course "safety" or shooting from the beach between the posts of the door. El ganador es el equipo con más puntos al final del partido.

En los EE.UU. Y Canadá "including Quebec", sport (y su contraparte canada) is known for the mera denominación de fútbol.


American football by the association of soccer "soccer" and rugby. These two disciplines codified in England were introduced in North America in 1861 by the association of soccer "soccer" and in the year 1864 or 1865 of rugby. The first rugby games played on the American continent probably played in 1864 in Toronto and in 1865 in Montreal. This Canadian industry will create Canadian football.

Frank Dombrowski "left" of the United States and Captain W. Drinkwater of Canada, captains and rival teams play a game between Canada and the United States at White City Stadium in London February 14, 1944.
In the United States, college teams also practice rugby and soccer "soccer". This is also an opportunity for confusion. Meanwhile, it was considered that the first football match was held on November 6, 1869 Rutgers needed 6-4 at the University of New Jersey "Princeton late". According to research by historian Stephen Fox, the New York Ball Game may be a soccer-matching game. Princeton2 and NFL3 now accept this version.

Canadians offer Americans a college rugby match, between McGill University in Montreal for Harvard students who do not practice at all football. A half time to play according to the rules of each university. In fact, each school has its own rules, as was also the case in Europe a few years earlier. Harvard adopted in 1875 as the regulation promulgated by Yale University, but it is always a mixture between rugby and soccer "soccer", named combination in Europe. It was not until the famous Massasoit Convention 23 of November of 1876, and, seeing the establishment of common norms in several American universities. In fact, they adopt all the regulations of the English Rugby Union, except for one detail, the point count. Football clearly different from your ancestors however, will create.

Between 1880 and 1883, Walter Camp, coach of Yale University, fundamentally changed the rules and spirit of the game: players reduced from 15 to 11, on the field of reduction and introduction of the line of scrimmage. These Walter Camp changes are complemented by others in the same period: a team must return the ball to the opponent if it failed to advance five yards in three attempts. American football was born.

The first professional players were listed in 1892-1893, but it was not until 1896 to see the first team formed exclusively by professional players, "Allegheny Athletic Association." A year later, "Latrobe Athletic Association" is the first team to complete a full season with a panel formed exclusively by professional players "1897".

The first full pass of October 27, 1906. Before that date, the passes forward were not allowed.

The National Football League "NFL" was established in 1920 to end the chaos that reigns then in the world of football.

American football is still a long time confined to just in the US, where it became the number one sport in front of baseball in the 1970s notable exception is Japan, US influence. Forces, holding a university championship since 1947. The game is introduced in Europe between the late 1970s and early 1980s. An international football federation was created in 1998.

Football players.

Although it does not seem to be of affiliation between the two sports, the modern form of football is very close to the rugby league. In fact, the state of four downs is equivalent to the required five term or fall which translates exactly down the rugby league. The only fundamental difference is that the "mid-light" counterpart of the rugby league quarterback is allowed to make a forward pass. Finally, it is important to note that the quarterback is not the only player allowed to make a pass forward, any player can receive a pass, he can also make one.

American football leagues Most women play with the same rules as those followed by male players, with one exception: women's leagues use a smaller ball, suitable for smaller hands. There is also a derivative of American football, American football, known as an easier access to women physical contact being less important.

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